Accept Yourself

No matter where you are in the journey of life, stop being so hard on yourself. You are exactly where you are meant to be at the moment you are at. This is your chance to make a change and to move forward with what you want to do. Do not squander it. Accept yourself, love yourself, and push yourself. You are so incredibly worth it.

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Change Your View

Another great thing to do is to identify your expectations of yourself, others, the world, etc. Are they realistic? Are they unhealthy? Are they things you can work towards or the demands of a spoiled child? The best thing you can do is to accept life as it is. Do not put unhealthy demands on it that cause you to be disappointed and feel “life isn’t fair.” Rather, build healthy ambitions for yourself that you can work towards.

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Let’s talk about the Squirrel Effect. Is technology frying your brain? We are using less and less of our brains and it is making us impatient, impulsive, forgetful, and even narcissistic with all those selfies and “likes” we long for. Learn to develop awareness so you can focus on a purpose and find your passion in life and enjoy even the small stuff. Learn more in Don’t Drink the Koolaide #IThinkRed.

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Self-Inflicting Negativity

As a society we now love to blame other people for the problems that really lie within ourselves as an individual. We need to stop the self-inflicting negativity and focus on the things that truly make us content. The problem is that we are so bombarded with all the negativity every time we look around that we get lost.

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Not A Quick Fix

None of this works overnight. Some of this can take months or even years, but this restructuring is not impossible to do. You’re going to have your challenges and you’re going to have your successes. With every challenge I hope that you learn a lesson that moves you closer to your successes. I hope that every challenge teaches you something that will elevate you in your journey.

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Change Your Mindset

Here’s the thing that no one seems to understand. Money is truly an unlimited resource. Unlike water or oil or even air, as T. Harv Ecker says in his book The Millionaire Mindset, they just keep printing more money. Just because you earn money doesn’t mean someone else has to go without it, so get that limiting thought out of your head. There is truly enough to go around the entire world again and again.

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